West Belfast MMEW PB Pilot - Phase 1

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This PB process has finished. 

To read about what the successful projects achieved please click here (Active Belfast external link)

The west Belfast PB voting event was held on Wednesday 26 April 2023. Over 270 people came along to cast their votes.

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped create such a buzz.

West Belfast PB Results

We have now counted and verified all the votes. The winning projects are:

  • Cullingtree Meadows
  • Clonard House- Steady Steps
  • Bog Meadows Butterfly Group
  • The grow and grub project
  • Fun Topics with the Weatherbies - Good Food
  • When you know better you do better
  • The Pizza Pod
  • its ALL about ME- dance, exercise and relax
  • its ALL about ME- create, cook and educate
  • Young at Heart

Here's the list of all the groups who attended the decision making event and their project ideas:

Cullingtree Meadows
Cullingtree Meadows
Cullingtree Meadows is a supported living scheme for people living with a dementia. The aim of our project is to support our tenants to move more and live well by participating in armchair aerobics. Making home cooked meals for our tenants, helps ensure they eat well and brings them into a communal meal setting where they can socialise and connect with other people.

Clonard Neighborhood Development Partnership
Clonard House- Steady Steps
This project is focusing on our older peoples population in the area. Post covid they are increases in the number of people who are socially isolated in our local area. There is a decrease in any physical activity in this age range which has had a major impact on mental wellbeing. This 12 weeks program will incorporate sessions such as Pilates, seated chair based exercise and dance classes.

The Happy Stitchers
Young at Heart
The 'Young at Heart’ project is targeted at adults and includes a weekly linedancing project. Our project will advance health, through ‘move more’ activities that promotes physical and mental health and understanding. This twin element of our project increasing movement and building up social inclusiveness will improve health and well-being in an increasing section of our population.

Bog Meadows Butterfly Group
Bog Meadows Butterfly Group
To create a wildlife friendly garden that serves as a model for people to replicate in their own gardens, to grow food that will benefit both wildlife and people, to create a different habitat to the wetland in the nature reserve, and improve urban biodiversity. The group will do gardening activity to show case wildlife gardening, create a more sustainable outdoor space to run workshops and group activities, and provide an additional enriching and beautiful space for people to enjoy and benefit from being outdoors in nature. The garden would be visible, educational and inviting to new participants as well as providing space for creative work and social activities. This is great for both physical and mental health. It will create an improved sense of ownership and lead to further ideas for more creative uses in the space from those taking part.

Lagmore Community Forum
The Grow and Grub Project
The grow and grub project will enhance the services already offered in Lagmore Forum Centre by offering a space where residents can come and learn horticulture skills and grow healthy fruit and vegetables and learn how to make a healthy meal using the produce. Participants will have a welcoming space to socialise and connect and make new friends. Through gardening the group will learn practical mindfulness skills that helps improve mental health and wellbeing and builds resilience.

The Weatherbies
Fun Topics with the Weatherbies - Good Food
Irish language project for children (early years / foundation key stage 1&2) aims to create and deliver new animated and interactive educational resources on healthy eating and the natural environment in a fun and entertaining way. This will be used in communities centres, homes & schools to equip them with the right food choices to feel better mentally and physically. The wider community will benefit because parents and grandparents will have 'round the dinner table' discussions with their children and use the resources the children will take home to further educate them. Inspire healthy eating conversations, within schools & homes, that they can make small but important change to them personally.

Albert Street Community Centre - The H.E.A.R.T. Project
H2O Polo for Gals
The H2O Polo sessions are for women who want to try the game of water polo over a 10 week period, in Falls Leisure Centre. We are encouraging people to be active in the water, to improve their swim skills whilst also learning new skills specific to waterpolo. Being active in water is great for joints and general fitness. Swimming can be quite a solitary activity whereas waterpolo encourages teamwork and craic. It's also a chance to meet regularly, encouraging women to get out of the house and enjoy the company of others while having fun.

Upper Andersonstown Women's Group
When you know better you do better
A women's capacity building programme over an eight week period. Four weeks looking at and learning about mental health, the stress response, managing anxiety and depression and mindful resilience. Running through all these sessions the women will learn about the gut brain connection and the food mood link. The women will be able to create food lists and recipes using the foods they identify as helpful and good for mental health. Four weeks will be spent learning photography techniques and going around the local parks, with qualified walk leaders and taking photographs, resulting in an exhibition of the women's photography.
Amount awarded £ 1000

Lagmore young men's group
The Pizza Pod
Young mens project in Lagmore to encourage healthy lifestyles through physical activity and nutrition education, to beautify and improve our local area through environmental clean-up and community engagement, and to foster community spirit by creating an outdoor pizza station and social area where, local residents can gather and socialize. We believe that our "Move Well, Eat Well" initiative will make a positive impact in our community by promoting healthy living and community engagement.
Amount awarded £ 1000

Whiterock Children's Centre
It's ALL about ME- dance, exercise and relax
The project aims to connect with local families and integrate Black and Minority Ethnic, asylum seeking and refugee families settling in west Belfast, as well as encouraging all those who participate to move more through exercise and dance as well as heightening ways of helping them to relax

Whiterock Children's Centre
It's ALL about ME- create, cook and educate
The project aims to connect with local families and integrate Black and Minority Ethnic, asylum seeking and refugee families settling in west Belfast, as well as encouraging all those who participate to eat well to feel better through creating a diverse range of dishes, in the most healthy and inexpensive way possible as well as heightening awareness of substitutes in meals, healthier options, other ways of cooking eg slow cooker, air fryer, as well as helping to educate families about alternative dishes and healthier options.

The west Belfast PB voting event was held on Wednesday 26 April 2023. Over 270 people came along to cast their votes.

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped create such a buzz.

West Belfast PB Results

We have now counted and verified all the votes. The winning projects are:

  • Cullingtree Meadows
  • Clonard House- Steady Steps
  • Bog Meadows Butterfly Group
  • The grow and grub project
  • Fun Topics with the Weatherbies - Good Food
  • When you know better you do better
  • The Pizza Pod
  • its ALL about ME- dance, exercise and relax
  • its ALL about ME- create, cook and educate
  • Young at Heart

Here's the list of all the groups who attended the decision making event and their project ideas:

Cullingtree Meadows
Cullingtree Meadows
Cullingtree Meadows is a supported living scheme for people living with a dementia. The aim of our project is to support our tenants to move more and live well by participating in armchair aerobics. Making home cooked meals for our tenants, helps ensure they eat well and brings them into a communal meal setting where they can socialise and connect with other people.

Clonard Neighborhood Development Partnership
Clonard House- Steady Steps
This project is focusing on our older peoples population in the area. Post covid they are increases in the number of people who are socially isolated in our local area. There is a decrease in any physical activity in this age range which has had a major impact on mental wellbeing. This 12 weeks program will incorporate sessions such as Pilates, seated chair based exercise and dance classes.

The Happy Stitchers
Young at Heart
The 'Young at Heart’ project is targeted at adults and includes a weekly linedancing project. Our project will advance health, through ‘move more’ activities that promotes physical and mental health and understanding. This twin element of our project increasing movement and building up social inclusiveness will improve health and well-being in an increasing section of our population.

Bog Meadows Butterfly Group
Bog Meadows Butterfly Group
To create a wildlife friendly garden that serves as a model for people to replicate in their own gardens, to grow food that will benefit both wildlife and people, to create a different habitat to the wetland in the nature reserve, and improve urban biodiversity. The group will do gardening activity to show case wildlife gardening, create a more sustainable outdoor space to run workshops and group activities, and provide an additional enriching and beautiful space for people to enjoy and benefit from being outdoors in nature. The garden would be visible, educational and inviting to new participants as well as providing space for creative work and social activities. This is great for both physical and mental health. It will create an improved sense of ownership and lead to further ideas for more creative uses in the space from those taking part.

Lagmore Community Forum
The Grow and Grub Project
The grow and grub project will enhance the services already offered in Lagmore Forum Centre by offering a space where residents can come and learn horticulture skills and grow healthy fruit and vegetables and learn how to make a healthy meal using the produce. Participants will have a welcoming space to socialise and connect and make new friends. Through gardening the group will learn practical mindfulness skills that helps improve mental health and wellbeing and builds resilience.

The Weatherbies
Fun Topics with the Weatherbies - Good Food
Irish language project for children (early years / foundation key stage 1&2) aims to create and deliver new animated and interactive educational resources on healthy eating and the natural environment in a fun and entertaining way. This will be used in communities centres, homes & schools to equip them with the right food choices to feel better mentally and physically. The wider community will benefit because parents and grandparents will have 'round the dinner table' discussions with their children and use the resources the children will take home to further educate them. Inspire healthy eating conversations, within schools & homes, that they can make small but important change to them personally.

Albert Street Community Centre - The H.E.A.R.T. Project
H2O Polo for Gals
The H2O Polo sessions are for women who want to try the game of water polo over a 10 week period, in Falls Leisure Centre. We are encouraging people to be active in the water, to improve their swim skills whilst also learning new skills specific to waterpolo. Being active in water is great for joints and general fitness. Swimming can be quite a solitary activity whereas waterpolo encourages teamwork and craic. It's also a chance to meet regularly, encouraging women to get out of the house and enjoy the company of others while having fun.

Upper Andersonstown Women's Group
When you know better you do better
A women's capacity building programme over an eight week period. Four weeks looking at and learning about mental health, the stress response, managing anxiety and depression and mindful resilience. Running through all these sessions the women will learn about the gut brain connection and the food mood link. The women will be able to create food lists and recipes using the foods they identify as helpful and good for mental health. Four weeks will be spent learning photography techniques and going around the local parks, with qualified walk leaders and taking photographs, resulting in an exhibition of the women's photography.
Amount awarded £ 1000

Lagmore young men's group
The Pizza Pod
Young mens project in Lagmore to encourage healthy lifestyles through physical activity and nutrition education, to beautify and improve our local area through environmental clean-up and community engagement, and to foster community spirit by creating an outdoor pizza station and social area where, local residents can gather and socialize. We believe that our "Move Well, Eat Well" initiative will make a positive impact in our community by promoting healthy living and community engagement.
Amount awarded £ 1000

Whiterock Children's Centre
It's ALL about ME- dance, exercise and relax
The project aims to connect with local families and integrate Black and Minority Ethnic, asylum seeking and refugee families settling in west Belfast, as well as encouraging all those who participate to move more through exercise and dance as well as heightening ways of helping them to relax

Whiterock Children's Centre
It's ALL about ME- create, cook and educate
The project aims to connect with local families and integrate Black and Minority Ethnic, asylum seeking and refugee families settling in west Belfast, as well as encouraging all those who participate to eat well to feel better through creating a diverse range of dishes, in the most healthy and inexpensive way possible as well as heightening awareness of substitutes in meals, healthier options, other ways of cooking eg slow cooker, air fryer, as well as helping to educate families about alternative dishes and healthier options.

We'd love to hear from you!

Did you submit an application or attend the PB voting event on the 26 April?  Will you take part in any of the winning projects? 

Please leave us a comment and let us know what you thought of our Move More Eat Well PB pilot.

This PB process has finished. 

To read about what the successful projects achieved please click here (Active Belfast external link)

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