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Parks opening hours consultation - Belmont Park, Botanic Gardens, Falls Park, Ormeau Park, Woodvale Park

Park Opening Hours Consultation - Falls Park

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Falls Park 

Falls Park is a district park in West Belfast. There are four gates in Falls Park that connect onto lit paths. It contains woodland, amenity space and ornamental floral display. The Ballymurphy stream runs through it. 

Facilities on the site include pitches and 3G and pavilion, bowling pavilion and green that host a range of community facilities, two playgrounds, an outdoor classroom, allotments, and a community garden.

There are ten access gates into Falls Park.  Three of these are pedestrian (Whiterock Leisure Centre, Ardmonagh Gardens and Falls Road) with one vehicular entrance at Falls Road allowing carpark access into the site. 

Other gates that do not open onto lit paths within the park include pedestrian gates at Norfolk Road, Norfolk Parade and Falls Road adjacent to the Cemetery. 

All gates currently open from dawn to dusk in line with standard parks opening hours apart from the vehicular access at Whiterock Leisure Centre, which closes in line with use of the adjacent pitches, and the vehicular access on Falls Road which closes in line with the use of the Bowling Pavilion.


This consultation will build on the findings from the Forth Meadow Greenwy opening hours consultation, in which the Falls Park site was an integral part. It is anticipated that any agreed opening hours pilot arrangements for the Greenwy will be taken forward together with the Falls Park as a combined approach.


Are you in favour of extended opening hours of Falls Park?

* required

How close do you live to the park? (Choose any one option) (Required)

* required
If you are responding on behalf of a group, business, or organisation, please indicate how far your premises or membership is away from this location.