Belmont Park is situated in East Belfast between the Circular Road, Belmont Road and the Old Holywood Road. Comprised of two parts connected by a footbridge over the Parkway carriageway, it has areas of amenity grass, species rich grassland, wildflowers and woodland. Facilities include a playpark and car parking facilities. Council owned allotments lie within the wider site.
There are seven access gates, none of which currently connect onto lit paths. Six of these provide pedestrian access:
- one at CIYMS multi sports complex car park
- one off Belmont Road car park
- one off Cairnburn Road
- one off Old Hollywood Road
- two on Parkway carriageway - one into the south section of the park, and one into the north section of the park).
There is one public vehicular access into the park at Belmont Road carpark, with a separate vehicular access into the independently managed CIYMS carpark at Circular Road adjacent to the playpark.
All pedestrian gates open dawn to dusk in line with standard parks opening hours. However, there is no physical barrier from Belmont Road into the carpark and on into the park itself.
Whilst some of our other parks benefit from lighting infrastructure on an element of their path networks, Belmont Park currently does not. Any future provision of lighting will be subject to funding, and informed by feasibility work that will include habitat assessment and options appraisal.