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Graphic with HOUSE Programme (Home on upper spaces for everyone)

Expression of Interest

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Privacy Notice

As part of this expression of interest, you are asked to provide property details including address. We accept that you are providing this information based on consent and are positively agreeing for the council to hold and further use it to inform and develop the HOUSE programme.

If you provide contact details, they will only be used to contact you to confirm information provided or to update you on any developments with the HOUSE programme.

Read our privacy notice by clicking here

Contact Details


Please indicate whether you would be happy for us to contact you in the future regarding the HOUSE programme:

* required
Our privacy notice explains how we will use and store your personal data.
Select option

Property Details

Maximum 10 characters


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When was the property built?  

If you're not sure, please choose the option that you think best reflects its age.