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Go Succeed NI Business Support (funded by UK Governmenrt - powered by Levelling Up)

Go Succeed Digital Transformation Masterclass Feedback

This survey does not ask for any personal data. Any personal data you provide consensually will be held and stored by the Council in a safe and secure manner and in compliance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and in line with the Council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. For more information, please read our privacy notice.

Thank you for taking the time to attend our workshop!

We would welcome any feedback you have and be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this short evaluation form.

Select option

Select option

Relevance to your business
Speaker knowledge
Pace & Timings
Access to workshop

Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: "I have definitely learned something that I will use in running of my business"

Maximum 255 characters


Select option

If you have answered No, why?

Thank you for filling this survey