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Forth Meadow Community Greenway

Forth Meadow Greenway Opening Hours Survey

Registered Your Say Belfast users:

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The survey is split into five parts . Parts 1 to 4, looks at the access gates within specific sections of the greenway. The final part asks for information about you or your organisation, such as how often you use the greenway, what you use it for and other demographic information.

0% answered

Section 1 - Glencairn Park to Forthriver Linear Park

We are proposing to provide unlimited access to the greenway through the two pedestrian gates located at the top end of Glencairn Park i.e. providing public access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The entrance gates are located at Forthriver Crescent and Forthriver Road, as indicated by the red  stars on the map below.  

Please see FAQ'sfor operational arrangements for other greenway access points that lie outside of current consultation. 

Map of the Forth Meadow Greenway showing the location of the gates, within section 1, that we are proposing to open for public access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These gates, whcih lead towards the playpark and connect onto the main lit path of the Greenway, are located at the top of Glencairn Park by Forthriver Crescent and at Forthriver Road (roughly facing 83-85 Forthriver Road)

Forthriver Crescent
Forthriver Road
If you'd prefer different opening hours, please specify what you think the opening hours should they be:

How close do you live to this section (Glencairn and Forthriver) of the greenway?

* required
If you are responding on behalf of a group, business or organisation, please indicate how far your premises or membership is away from this location.