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Draft Irish Language Policy Consultation

Belfast City Council is consulting on a draft Irish Language Policy.  We are seeking your views and feedback by participating in the survey below.  You do not have to sign in or register on our Your Say Belfast platform to take part, however if you are a registered user, you must sign out of Your Say Belfast account so that your response is anonymous. Please be aware, that if you are signed into Your Say Belfast, your email and site registration details can be linked to this survey.

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The draft Irish Language Policy proposes that a person requesting service through the medium of Irish from the Council is entitled to the same standard of service as they would receive were they to request service in English. This would include the removal of barriers to the use of Irish and the promotion of the language. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this approach?


The draft Irish Language Policy proposes that the Council will develop a list of key strategic council documents and publications to be made available proactively in Irish.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this proposal? 


The draft Irish Language Policy commits the Council to publishing information, including social media content, bilingually (in both Irish and English).  

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this proposal?


The draft Irish Language Policy commits the Council to developing and maintaining a functioning bilingual website (in both Irish and English).  

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposals about the development of a bilingual website?


The draft Irish Language Policy commits the Council to providing staff with a ‘code of courtesy for indigenous languages’ and the provision of cultural awareness training. This means members of the public contacting the Council would receive clear guidance and direction, regardless of whether their initial contact is in Irish or English.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with these proposals in relation to Council staff?


Paragraph 15 of the draft Irish Language Policy explains that the Council would adopt a bilingual (in both Irish and English) corporate identity and that this would become the Council’s standard corporate logo, to be used across all corporate branding.

The English-only version of the logo would be available upon request.

The Council would also promote the availability of the Irish language Council logo, use of bilingual (in both Irish and English) corporate signatures and Irish language Belfast city brand for use in correspondence, documentation, literature, etc.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposals in relation to the Council’s corporate identity and logo?


The section of the draft Irish Language Policy dealing with signage commits the Council to adopting bilingual (in both Irish and English) signage throughout its facilities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposals in relation to signage in the draft policy? 


 A categorisation process, as outlined at Appendix 2 in the draft Irish Language Policy, has been developed which outlines how bilingual signage will be progressively rolled out across Council facilities, including buildings, parks, vehicles and bins.

To what extent to do you agree or disagree with this categorisation process?


The draft Irish Language Policy states that, for the purposes of the categorisation process, the boundaries of the Gaeltacht Quarter will be expanded to include Glen Road and Shaw’s Road.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposal to extend the Gaeltacht Quarter?