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Draft Corporate Plan

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Our City Priorities

Our Corporate Plan sets out what we plan to do at an organisational level and at strategic operational level. At the strategic operational level, we have agreed five thematic areas based on the priorities within the Belfast Agenda:

  • Our People and Communities
  • Our Economy
  • Our Place
  • Our Planet
  • Compassionate city

These priority areas represent the key strategic issues that we will focus on over the next three years. They do not represent everything that we will do throughout the year - we will continue to provide a broad range of services, programmes and initiatives. However, these are the areas that we will prioritise and monitor as we believe they will make the most difference. 

Taking each one in turn, please tell us what you think of our proposed focus and approach.  

Our People and Communities

We have identified two priorities that we believe will help make life better for all our residents:

  • Community and neighbourhood regeneration
  • Health inequalities

Click here [opens in new tab] to read about the activities we are proposing to focus on over the next three years.

Community and Neighbourhood Regeneration
Health Inequalities

Our Economy

We have identified three priorities that we believe will help create inclusive, innovative and sustainable growth, learning and opportunity:

  • Educational inequalities
  • Jobs and skills
  • Sustainable and inclusive economic growth

Click here[opens in new tab] to read about the activities we are proposing to focus on over the next three years.

Belfast region city deal
Productivity and innovation
Inclusive, sustainable growth and opportunity

Our Place

We have identified three priorities that we believe will help create a liveable and connected, vibrant and competitive city:

  • Housing-led regeneration
  • Connectivity, active and sustainable travel
  • Future City Centre and wider regeneration and investment

Click here [opens in new tab] to read about the activities we are proposing to focus on over the next three years.

Quality Place-Making and Housing Led Regeneration
Active and Sustainable Travel
Future City Centre and Wider City Regeneration and Investment
Cultural and Tourism Development

Our Planet

We have identified three priorities that we believe will help make create a sustainable and nature-positive city:

  • Re-naturing the city and increasing resilience to climate change
  • Creating a sustainable circular economy
  • Innovating to net zero

Click here [opens in new tab] to read about the activities we are proposing to focus on over the next three years.

Re-naturing the city and increasing resilience to climate change
Creating a sustainable circular economy
Innovating to Net Zero

Compassionate City 

We have identified four priorities that we believe will help make Belfast a welcoming, caring, fair and inclusive city- leaving no one behind:

  • Inclusive growth and anti-poverty
  • Good relations and shared future
  • Older people 
  • Younger people 

Click here [opens in new tab] to read about the activities we are proposing to focus on over the next three years.

Inclusive growth and anti-poverty
Good relations and shared future
Older people
Younger people