Belfast Stories

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Belfast Stories

By 2028, Belfast Stories, a new visitor attraction, will open on the site where North Street and Royal Avenue meet including the former Bank of Ireland buildings.

An exciting and authentic experience with Belfast’s people and personality at its heart, there are three main experiences within or parts to the visitor attraction: stories, screen and social.

You can read more about these parts in our Consultation document About Belfast Stories

Belfast Stories will be a success if the people of Belfast love it, are proud of it and feel that it is truly theirs.

We cannot make this happen without engaging the organisations that work in the city and the people who call it home.

This public consultation is not the end of the conversation and we will continue to engage with different people and organisations to help shape Belfast Stories right up until it opens - and beyond.

From early 2023 we will be developing the design brief for the new visitor attraction. The design brief describes - in general terms - what we are trying to do, why, when and how much it will cost.

This public consultation will gather ideas and evidence to help shape the design brief. It will focus on:

  1. raising awareness of Belfast Stories so that people are excited and want to continue to be engaged in its development and
  2. making sure that Belfast Stories is for everyone. This means making sure that the building is welcoming and accessible and everyone can see themselves reflected in its stories. During the public consultation we will do this in three main ways – by asking you to share your thoughts on our draft
    1. equality impact assessment EQIA
    2. rural needs impact assessment RNIA and
    3. plans for gathering stories Gathering stories

How to get involved

We will be delivering a programme of consultation events up until 20 November in locations across the city. Keep up to date on events by using the workshops and information sessions section on this page.

You can stay up to date with all the latest news by following us on Facebook @Belfaststories and on Instagram @Belfast_stories

How we will use what you tell us

Belfast Stories will be a success if the people of Belfast love it, are proud of it and feel that it is truly theirs.

Because you are sharing your time, expertise and ideas, we want you to know that you have been heard. We will summarise what we plan to do about it at key points during this engagement. These findings will then be published on the consultation hub at Your Say Belfast and shared through our groups, forums and networks.

We look forward to hearing your story.

Belfast Stories

By 2028, Belfast Stories, a new visitor attraction, will open on the site where North Street and Royal Avenue meet including the former Bank of Ireland buildings.

An exciting and authentic experience with Belfast’s people and personality at its heart, there are three main experiences within or parts to the visitor attraction: stories, screen and social.

You can read more about these parts in our Consultation document About Belfast Stories

Belfast Stories will be a success if the people of Belfast love it, are proud of it and feel that it is truly theirs.

We cannot make this happen without engaging the organisations that work in the city and the people who call it home.

This public consultation is not the end of the conversation and we will continue to engage with different people and organisations to help shape Belfast Stories right up until it opens - and beyond.

From early 2023 we will be developing the design brief for the new visitor attraction. The design brief describes - in general terms - what we are trying to do, why, when and how much it will cost.

This public consultation will gather ideas and evidence to help shape the design brief. It will focus on:

  1. raising awareness of Belfast Stories so that people are excited and want to continue to be engaged in its development and
  2. making sure that Belfast Stories is for everyone. This means making sure that the building is welcoming and accessible and everyone can see themselves reflected in its stories. During the public consultation we will do this in three main ways – by asking you to share your thoughts on our draft
    1. equality impact assessment EQIA
    2. rural needs impact assessment RNIA and
    3. plans for gathering stories Gathering stories

How to get involved

We will be delivering a programme of consultation events up until 20 November in locations across the city. Keep up to date on events by using the workshops and information sessions section on this page.

You can stay up to date with all the latest news by following us on Facebook @Belfaststories and on Instagram @Belfast_stories

How we will use what you tell us

Belfast Stories will be a success if the people of Belfast love it, are proud of it and feel that it is truly theirs.

Because you are sharing your time, expertise and ideas, we want you to know that you have been heard. We will summarise what we plan to do about it at key points during this engagement. These findings will then be published on the consultation hub at Your Say Belfast and shared through our groups, forums and networks.

We look forward to hearing your story.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You do not have to sign in or register on our Your Say Belfast platform to take part.  However if you are a registered user, you must sign out of Your Say Belfast account if you wish your response to be anonymous. Please be aware, that if you are signed into Your Say Belfast, your email and site registration details can be linked to this survey.  

    Your privacy and how we will use your data

    Belfast City Council is the data controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for any personal data gathered from this survey.  You are not asked to provide any personal data, but if you do, the personal data you provide consensually will be held and stored by the Council in a safe and secure manner and in compliance with data protection legislation and in line with the Council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. 

    As part of the analysis and reporting, we may share written comments and aggregated results with our partner agencies and Smith & Kent Consulting, who we have appointed to assist with the Belfast Stories engagement process.  We may also publish summarised results (which may include your comments) in the public domain. If we do this, no personal data or personal information will be shared or disclosed.  If you are responding on behalf of a group or organisation, we may ask that you include the name of the group or organisation.  If applicable, we will seek your permission to disclose your organisation name (and any written comments) in our analysis and feedback reports.     

    If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data, please email  If you wish to contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer, please write to Belfast City Council, City Hall, Belfast BT1 5GS or send an email to


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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Privacy Notice

    Belfast City Council is the Data Controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for the personal data it gathers for the purposes of administering and managing your registration for our online engagement sessions.  You are providing your personal data on a consensual basis to the Council whose lawful basis for processing is for performance of a public task. 

    Your personal data may be shared internally within the Council with staff who are involved in the delivery of the engagement sessions.  We may also share it with Smith and Kent Consulting who we have appointed to help us with this engagement.  The personal data is held and stored by the Council in a safe and secure manner and in compliance with data protection legislation and in line with the Council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.  It will not be shared or disclosed to any other organisation without your consent, unless the law permits or places an obligation on the Council to do so. 

    If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data or you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact a member of the Strategic Policy Team via email  If you wish to contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer, please write to Belfast City Council, City Hall Belfast, BT1 5GS or send an email to

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Page last updated: 29 Apr 2024, 01:03 PM