Completing my form

    Do I need to complete the consultation form?

    Yes, we need to prove that there is a need for the gates and that everyone in the street is happy with the proposal.

    Most alleyways are ‘adopted’ by the Department for Infrastructure and are part of the national road network Therefore, we  can only install gates by enacting a piece of legislation called a Traffic Regulation Order or a Gating Order (Section 69 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (NI) 2011).  This requires us to consult local householders and to ensure that there is enough support for the allyegate to be erected. We musty also work with the Department for Infrastructure and provide evidence for they alleygates.  We have asked for their Agreement in Principle to consult.

    Will everything on the consultation forms be treated confidentially?

    Yes, all answers you give will be treated in the strictest confidence and in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. 

    Can I talk to someone about this as I am unsure?

    Yes, The Environmental Health staff can be contacted at BCC 9027 0469 or by email at

    I am a private tenant do I have to get my landlord to sign the agreement form?

    No, as you reside at this address you have the right to agree or disagree to the gates being installed. However, we would like you to inform your landlord of the proposed scheme.

The Alleygate Process

    Will the Alleygates cost me any money?

    No the cost of the gates are being financed by Belfast City Council / others.

    What happens if someone objects to the gates?

    We will note the objection within our report to Legal Services.

    Legal Services then looks at each submission on a street-by-street basis and make a decision whether we can apply the legislation and advertise the Road Traffic Order.  Residents will also be given the chance to object to the Order by writing to Belfast City Council.

    How long will this process take?

    It could take up to 1 year for the legal process to be completed.

    How will I be kept updated?

    Your elected members and their party offices will be kept updated on the progress. Closer to the time you will be made aware of the date of installation and where to collect your keys.


    Will I get a key?

    Yes, everyone residing in the street has the right to collect a key.


    How much do keys cost?

    You will be given a key for free when the gates are installed.


    What happens if I lose my key?

    Due to the expense of the keys you will have to buy another one. This will cost you £25.

    I am a private tenant does my landlord have to sign for the key?

    No, as some landlords live further away you can get the key with the landlord’s permission.

    I am a NIHE tenant do I have to let them know if I get a key?

    No, NIHE are a partner in this scheme and are aware of their tenants who collect keys.

    What happens if I move house?

    If you own your own property leave the key for the next owner. If you are renting privately, please return the key to your landlord. If you are renting from a housing provider return your key to your housing officer.

Antisocial behaviour and other problems

    What will happen in the interim if antisocial behaviour persists?

    Please keep reporting instances of antisocial behaviour to the police and Belfast City Council.

    Will gates solve all the problems in our neighbourhood?

    Gates will only restrict people from loitering in the alleys to the rear of your home. Instances of antisocial behaviour could still occur in the alley should there be antisocial elements living within or visiting your street. We would ask residents to remain vigilant and keep reporting antisocial behaviour to the PSNI and Belfast City Council

    Is there anything else that BCC can help to reduce antisocial behaviour?

    Yes, there are other services that the Community Safety Team provides. Please contact your areas Antisocial Behaviour Officer (north, south, east & west) at Belfast City Council 90320202.

    What happens if the gates are damaged or the locks break after they are installed?

    There will be an identification plaque on the gate that will provide you with a contact number to report damage. This plaque will also have a reference number for the gate.

    What if residents start dumping rubbish in the alleyway after the gates are installed.

    You can contact Belfast City Council and report this issue to the cleansing department. You will be given a list of useful numbers for issues such as this.

    What if people use the alley as an extended dog run after the gates are installed?

    Belfast City Council Dog Wardens have access to all the alleys. The alleys are still part of the public highway, and all dogs will be treated as strays.