Our Vision for Belfast in 2035

    Belfast will be a city re-imagined and resurgent. A great place to live and work for everyone.

    Beautiful, well connected and culturally vibrant, it will be a sustainable city shared and loved by all its citizens, free from the legacy of conflict. A compassionate city offering opportunities for everyone. A confident and successful city energising a dynamic and prosperous city region. A magnet for talent and business and admired around the world. A city people dream to visit.

    Our Outcomes - the five things people want by 2035

    Outcomes describe what we want for our city and local people - the conditions and wellbeing that we all want to enjoy. The Belfast Community Planning Partnership agreed 5 outcomes, based on what people told us in 2016 and include:

    • Everyone in Belfast benefits from a thriving and prosperous economy
    • Belfast is a welcoming, safe, fair and inclusive city for all
    • Everyone in Belfast fulfils their potential
    • Everyone in Belfast experiences good health and wellbeing
    • Belfast is a vibrant, attractive, connected and environmentally sustainable city

    Our Priorities for the next 4 years

    Our priorities are derived from our vision and outcomes and include broad themes that we believe we need to focus on over the period 2022-26. These include:

    • Economic Recovery - mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the city's economy.
    • Employability and Skills - ensuring people are job-ready and can up-skill to progress. 
    • Educational Attainment - improving education outcomes while addressing underachievement.
    • Housing - affordable and safe housing to meet the needs of all communities.
    • Community Recovery and Neighbourhood Regeneration - delivery of area based interventions that meet the needs of our communities 
    • Health Inequalities - enhancing the physical and mental health of residents especially those who suffer from poorer health 
    • Climate, Resilience and Sustainability - protecting and enhancing our environment while supporting the transition to a carbon neutral economy.
    • Active and Sustainable Travel - support for sustainable modes of transport to improve the city's connectivity.