Nominations for the Belfast Agenda VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel 2025 - 2029

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Nomination process has closed

Do you have the commitment, knowledge and skills to represent the VCSE sector on community planning in Belfast?

On behalf of Belfast Community Planning Partnership (BCPP), NICVA have been appointed to undertake an independently managed nomination and selection process to secure the continued engagement and input of the Belfast Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sectors in the Belfast Agenda community planning process.

Community Planning is about everyone working together to develop and implement a shared vision for promoting the wellbeing of the city and delivering real improvements for local people. It is about bringing decision making closer to communities and giving local people an opportunity to have their say on issues that matter to them. The Belfast Agenda, the city’s Community Plan, outlines how partners plan to support the most vulnerable in our city while growing the economy, regenerating neighbourhoods, supporting communities and achieving our climate targets.

The VCSE Panel plays a central and constructive role in helping drive forward community planning by articulating the voice of the sector in strategic planning; supporting the development of cross-sectoral relationships and improved partnership working; and promoting ongoing and effective community engagement in community planning.

Membership of the Sectoral Advisory Panel will be drawn from organisations and groups within the VCSE sectors operating within the Belfast local government district boundary. The nomination and selection process applied to recruit Panel members will place an emphasis on achieving, as far as possible, a balanced VCSE sectoral representation across the following areas:

Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership
10 places (at minimum)
Belfast Agenda Themes and Priorities
15 places
Section 75 and Minoritised Voices
5 places
Reserve List
up to 10.

For all of information on the nomination process visit NOMINATIONS OPEN for the refresh of the Belfast Agenda VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel | NICVA (opens in external browser).

NICVA will host an online information session on Monday 27 January 2025 at 12 noon for VCSE organisations to outline the nomination and appointment process. John Tully, Director of City and Organisational Strategy, BCC will be in attendance to share key information and answer any questions about the process and the role of the VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel in the Belfast Agenda. Click here to register for the information session.(opens in external browser).

To request a nomination pack please email:, including 'VCSE Sectoral Panel Nomination Form Request', in the subject area of your email.

The closing date for receipt of all completed nomination forms is 3pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.

For any queries regarding the Nomination process, please contact Susan Glass via email:

Do you have the commitment, knowledge and skills to represent the VCSE sector on community planning in Belfast?

On behalf of Belfast Community Planning Partnership (BCPP), NICVA have been appointed to undertake an independently managed nomination and selection process to secure the continued engagement and input of the Belfast Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sectors in the Belfast Agenda community planning process.

Community Planning is about everyone working together to develop and implement a shared vision for promoting the wellbeing of the city and delivering real improvements for local people. It is about bringing decision making closer to communities and giving local people an opportunity to have their say on issues that matter to them. The Belfast Agenda, the city’s Community Plan, outlines how partners plan to support the most vulnerable in our city while growing the economy, regenerating neighbourhoods, supporting communities and achieving our climate targets.

The VCSE Panel plays a central and constructive role in helping drive forward community planning by articulating the voice of the sector in strategic planning; supporting the development of cross-sectoral relationships and improved partnership working; and promoting ongoing and effective community engagement in community planning.

Membership of the Sectoral Advisory Panel will be drawn from organisations and groups within the VCSE sectors operating within the Belfast local government district boundary. The nomination and selection process applied to recruit Panel members will place an emphasis on achieving, as far as possible, a balanced VCSE sectoral representation across the following areas:

Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership
10 places (at minimum)
Belfast Agenda Themes and Priorities
15 places
Section 75 and Minoritised Voices
5 places
Reserve List
up to 10.

For all of information on the nomination process visit NOMINATIONS OPEN for the refresh of the Belfast Agenda VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel | NICVA (opens in external browser).

NICVA will host an online information session on Monday 27 January 2025 at 12 noon for VCSE organisations to outline the nomination and appointment process. John Tully, Director of City and Organisational Strategy, BCC will be in attendance to share key information and answer any questions about the process and the role of the VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel in the Belfast Agenda. Click here to register for the information session.(opens in external browser).

To request a nomination pack please email:, including 'VCSE Sectoral Panel Nomination Form Request', in the subject area of your email.

The closing date for receipt of all completed nomination forms is 3pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.

For any queries regarding the Nomination process, please contact Susan Glass via email: