Mary Peters Track and Barnett Demesne

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Do you use Mary Peters Track Belfast? Do you visit Barnett Demesne or use the mountain biking trail? If so, we want to know what you think.

Please complete the survey below and tell us what you think of these facilities .

The survey will help us gather feedback and perceptions of track and park management. We'll use this information to inform future arrangements, in conjunction with relevant partners and stakeholders.

Staff from Belfast City Council will be holding informal drop-in sessions at Mary Peters Track on 19 September 2024 where you can chat about the improvements that you'd like to see or get help to fill in the survey. We'll be there after the buggy club at 1pm and between 6pm and 8pm in the evening!

Do you use Mary Peters Track Belfast? Do you visit Barnett Demesne or use the mountain biking trail? If so, we want to know what you think.

Please complete the survey below and tell us what you think of these facilities .

The survey will help us gather feedback and perceptions of track and park management. We'll use this information to inform future arrangements, in conjunction with relevant partners and stakeholders.

Staff from Belfast City Council will be holding informal drop-in sessions at Mary Peters Track on 19 September 2024 where you can chat about the improvements that you'd like to see or get help to fill in the survey. We'll be there after the buggy club at 1pm and between 6pm and 8pm in the evening!

  • You do not have to sign in or register on our Your Say Belfast platform to take part.  However, if you are a registered user, you must sign out of Your Say Belfast account so that your response is anonymous. Please be aware, that if you are signed into Your Say Belfast, your email and site registration details can be linked to this survey.  

    Read our privacy notice

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Page last updated: 19 Aug 2024, 04:58 PM