Consultation has concluded

Why we are consulting
As you may be aware the council makes a commitment in the Plan Strategy (PS) to prepare Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to support and clarify policies included within the Local Development Plan (LDP). This is set out in appendix E of the PS (page 321).
SPG represents non-statutory planning guidance. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the existing planning policy framework, most notably the Belfast LDP Plan Strategy and the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) for Northern Ireland. They apply to Belfast local government district and are intended for use by developers, the public and by planning officers to support the assessment and delivery of planning proposals.
The council previously consulted on 17 SPG which provide further detail and clarity on the interpretation of specific policies set out in the Plan Strategy (PS). We are now asking for comments on the draft Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) SPG which will complement Policy HOU12 of the PS. Once adopted, this will replace the existing SPG on PBMSA introduced in 2016.
The comments received be will assessed in respect of the need for potential amendments to the PBMSA SPG and this consideration along with any proposed changes will be set out in a consultation report. Following this consultation and subject to any further amendments considered necessary, it is intended to adopt the PBMSA SPG to support the assessment of relevant development proposals and decision making.
A consultation draft is available for 12 weeks and we look forward to receiving your comments on it by Thursday 21 November 2024.
Responding to the consultation
If you would like to respond to this consultation, there are a number of ways to make comment:
- Complete the online response survey – once submitted your comments will be sent directly to the Development Plan and Policy team.
- Email your comments to: localdevelopmentplan@belfastcity.gov.uk
- Post your comments to: Belfast Planning Service, Belfast City Council, Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 BBP. Response Form
Although we have also provided a downloadable version of this consultation response form, we would encourage you to respond via the online survey.
Responses must be received by 5pm on Thursday 21 November 2024.
The relevant documents are available, on request, in alternative formats - Braille, audio, large print, easy read. The council will also consider requests to produce it in other languages. If you require the documents in these or other formats please contact us:
Belfast Planning Service
Belfast City Council
Cecil Ward Building
4-10 Linenhall Street
Telephone: 028 9032 0202, ext. 2255
Email: planning@belfastcity.gov.uk
Important information about publishing your response
For the purpose of this consultation, your response, whether by post, email or online survey, will be treated as a representation and subject to processing as detailed in the Privacy Notice below.
In accordance with the Regulation 17 of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northam Ireland) 2015, the council must make a copy of any representation available for inspection.
In submitting your response, you are positively agreeing for the council to hold and share your response so that it may be considered as part of the independent examination process. Your response may be published and shared either anonymously or, with your name and/or organisation subject to the publishing preferences stated in your response.
When responding please indicate your publishing preferences:
- I agree to my name being published with my response; or
- I do not agree to my name being published with my response (anonymous)
Groups or organisations
- I agree to my group or organisation name being published with my response; or
- I do not agree to my group or organisation name being published with my response (anonymous)
- I am an agent authorised to act on behalf of the named individual, group or organisation and agree to my name being published with my response; or
- I do not agree to my name being published with my response (anonymous)
Privacy Notice
Belfast City Council is the Data Controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for the personal data it gathers for the purposes of administering and managing your response to the Local Development Plan - public consultation.
You are consensually providing your personal data to the Council whose lawful basis for processing is for compliance with a legal obligation under Regulation 17 of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northam Ireland) 2015.
The personal data may be shared internally within the Council with staff who are involved in administering and managing your response. Your personal data may also be shared with contractors appointed by the Council to manage information you provide. Your personal data will not be shared or disclosed to any other organisation without your consent unless the law permits or places and obligation on the Council to do so.
The personal data is held and stored by the Council in a safe and secure manner and in compliance with data protection legislation and in line with the Council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.
If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data or the publication of your response please contact Belfast Planning Service by email planning@belfastcity.gov.uk
If you wish to contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer, please write to Belfast City Council, City Hall Belfast, BT1 5GS or send an email to dataprotection@belfastcity.gov.uk