Privacy Notice

    Belfast City Council is the Data Controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), and the UK Data Protection Act 2018, for the personal data gathered for the purposes of administering and managing the registration for the Augment the City - phase 2 showcase event .

    The Council must have a valid lawful basis under UK GDPR to process your personal data and accepts that you are providing your personal data based on consent and are positively agreeing for the council to hold and further use it. Additionally, the Council’s lawful basis for processing is for a Public Task for the exercise of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority found in the UK GDPR Article 6 (e).

    Why are you processing my personal information? 

    • To enable the Council to administer and manage your registration for the Augment the City - phase 2 showcase event.
    • To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
    • The showcase event and registration form are primarily for businesses and organisations, but members of the public may also register and attend.

    What categories of personal data are you processing? 
    Name, email address, organisation name and any communication, access or dietary requirements that may be applicable.

    Where do you get my personal data from? 
    We get personal data from you when you complete and submit this registration form.

    Do you share my personal data with anyone else? 
    Information may be shared internally among council officers who are involved in the project and, where necessary, between internal council departments with the purpose of supporting a safe and effective delivery of service. Your personal data will not be shared or disclosed to any other organisation without your consent or unless the law permits or places an obligation on us to do so.

    How long will you keep my personal data for? 
    Your personal data is held by the Council(s) in a safe and secure manner and in line with their Council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.

    If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data or you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact . If you wish to contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer, please write to Belfast City Council, City Hall Belfast, BT1 5GS or send an email to