Belfast: Our Recovery

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Consultation has concluded

COVID-19 has brought new challenges for our health, for society and for the economy. Individuals and communities have pulled together to follow public health guidance and restrictions, and to support each other during this difficult and unprecedented time.

Belfast's response to the pandemic reflects who we are as a city - caring and resilient with a strong community spirit and a warmth and sense of humour that shines through. We want to build on that, and to look ahead to how we can help our city recover and bounce back even stronger.

To help us plan for the future, we want to have an ongoing conversation with you so that together we can all help Belfast recover and build a stronger future.

COVID-19 has brought new challenges for our health, for society and for the economy. Individuals and communities have pulled together to follow public health guidance and restrictions, and to support each other during this difficult and unprecedented time.

Belfast's response to the pandemic reflects who we are as a city - caring and resilient with a strong community spirit and a warmth and sense of humour that shines through. We want to build on that, and to look ahead to how we can help our city recover and bounce back even stronger.

To help us plan for the future, we want to have an ongoing conversation with you so that together we can all help Belfast recover and build a stronger future.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Every year, councils in Northern Ireland must publish an improvement plan that sets out a number of improvement actions for the year ahead.   This is a legal obligation referred to as our “Duty to Improve”.  

    The Improvement plan does not include everything that we plan to do in a given year, but instead focuses on a smaller set of key improvement priorities.   Therefore, it is important that we get these right. This is your chance to influence our proposed improvement priorities - are we focusing on the right things, is anything missing or do you have ideas about what you would like to see happen?  

    Last year’s plan was postponed so councils could refocus efforts and reconfigure services to support the pandemic response.  This year, to ensure our focus remains on helping the city deal with and recover from the pandemic, we have based the improvement objectives on the Belfast recovery plan published in September 2020.  Our recovery plan has six main pillars, which now form the basis of our improvement plan.  

    Draft Improvement Objectives 2021-22

    We take into consideration a number of issues when we are developing our improvement plan. Normally we align the plan to the Belfast Agenda, but this year we have built our improvement priorities around our Belfast Recovery plan and resident feedback in relation to the pandemic and recovery,

    Our proposed improvement objectives for 2021-22 are:

    Our City
    We will support our city to recover by helping to restore the social and cultural vibrancy of our city spaces and places in a safe and sustainable way
    Our services
    We will take steps to ensure our services adapt and improve in the short and longer term
    Our communities
    We will work to support our communities, helping them to become stronger, healthier and more resilient
    Our economy
    We will work in collaboration with others to protect and create jobs and help support people into employment
    Our environment
    We will take action to protect the environment and improve the sustainability of Belfast  
    Our digital innovation
    We will improve digital inclusion and enhance our digital infrastructure to support our economy, jobs, sustainability and wellbeing

    Please tell us what you think of our proposed improvement objectives and the indicative improvement actions by answering the questions on the following pages. We will use your feedback to finalise our Improvement Plan 2021 - 22.  This survey closes on 21 May 2021.

    Registered Your Say Belfast users:

    There is no need to register to complete this survey.  However if you are a registered user, you must sign out of Your Say Belfast account so that your response is anonymous. Please be aware that if you are signed into Your Say Belfast, your site registration details can be linked to this survey.  


    Belfast City Council is the data controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) for the personal data it gathers for the purposes of administering your response to this survey.  You are providing your personal data to the Council whose lawful basis for processing is for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.  The personal data is held and stored by the Council in a safe and secure manner and in compliance with data protection legislation and in line with the Council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data, please email  If you wish to contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer, please write to Belfast City Council, City Hall, Belfast, BT1 5GS or send an email to

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please take our short survey and give us your views.  

    If you would like to complete this survey anonymously, please log out (if you are signed in to Your Say Belfast, your site registration details can be linked to this survey).

    Consultation has concluded
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